Jean and Gareth Adamson "Topsy and Tim Go to the Zoo: Level 1"
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Аннотация: This is an adaptation of the classic Topsy and Tim story by Jean and Gareth Adamson. Topsy and Tim have fun visiting the zoo and soon decide that all the zoo animals would make great pets. Mummy and Dad have other ideas, though! Read it yoursel

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Аннотация: This is an adaptation of the classic Topsy and Tim story by Jean and Gareth Adamson. Topsy and Tim have fun visiting the zoo and soon decide that all the zoo animals would make great pets. Mummy and Dad have other ideas, though! Read it yoursel


АннотацияThis is an adaptation of the classic Topsy and Tim story by Jean and Gareth Adamson. Topsy and Tim have fun visiting the zoo and soon decide that all the zoo animals would make great pets. Mummy and Dad have other ideas, though! Read it yourself with Lady

ИздательствоLadybird Books

СерияRead it Yourself

АвторJean and Gareth Adamson


Год издания2013

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